'I bit a bee
And a bee bit me
Oh, what a silly dog I be...Tra la etc.'
And a bee bit me
Oh, what a silly dog I be...Tra la etc.'
Not that we were to know this of course when he came in this morning, alternately salivating, gulping and eating any bit of plant life within reach. We'll not mention the something very nasty on the very nice rug either.... Sick dog scenario here.
He's a bit vet phobic so any visit is traumatic. This visit involved a sedative to enable the vet to look into his throat as that seemed to be where the problem lay. It worked well - he conked out and he had to be dragged on a blanket to the consulting room - tail still wagging. A comic sight.
It was a relief to know the cause of his discomfort - poor thing. Not only had he been stung but had also gnawed at his own cheek while trying to rid himself of the cause of the pain. He's obviously still sore and doesn't understand why. Still very whoozy too - above, he's propped against a kitchen cupboard, when standing his legs are like jelly. Note that I've taken pity on a sick dog and allowed a dog blanket in front of the (cold) Aga. Also have fed him crushed ice on a saucer. Now I know I'm losing it.
Oh poor old Wilson! He looks very sorry for himself. I think the image of pasta drying redeems your description. Clearly only happens in the best regulated households, or Italy.
Let's get this straight... was Wilson perchance trying to eat the bee/wasp in question?
I bet he was...
What a beautiful dog. I hope he feels better by morning.
I was glad that I could enlarge the second photo to see that there really was pasta drying on that very interesting collection.
If only you could now say "at least he won't do that again". They never seems to quite learn that lesson do they?
Very handsome dog indeed! Poor boy; I hope he gets over this nasty experience quickly. But I did laugh at the description of him being dragged in to see the vet, tail wagging.
My dog gets stung by wasps in late summer just by walking on the grass - tummy too close to the ground, I think.
Oh, just BLESS him, poor lamb, so gorgeous. I could be tempted with one of those - are they good with other dogs?
Glam. Ass. SOunds like a rapper. A Bad-ass rapper!
Poor Wilson. I have only ever been stung once in my long life - by a wasp on my bum and very painful it was too!! He deserves all that TLC.
Awww... Poor Wilson. I bet he's getting lots of attention though :)
Oh bless him, poor old Wilson.
On the blog before there only appeared to be one old man at the secret garden when in your last visit there was two - has one passed away?
Ohh, poor boy! I hope he's okay now.
My cat did the same thing years ago and the vet had to roll him in a tea towel so he wouldn't bite him while he administered Benedryl. He called it a "Cat Burrito".
The pasta picture is hilarious - very Salvadore Dali!!
Poor Wilson, but he's still a very handsome dog indeed. I hope he's better soon. Oh *sigh* how I envy your kitchen. And thanks for the pasta reminder - I have pasta making down as a rainy day task for me and the children and since it's raining...
poor Wilson, indeed. Now I know where the expression "hangdog" comes from.
Pasta drying on a chair and Wilson's not eating it? He must be sick indeed.
Obviously all bull terriers have a phobia about vets....& eat things that they shouldn't ...I had an almost identical experience when Louis ate a peach stone...sedation, various concoctions to bring it up or push it through!!! You know we never found that stone.. I think it stayed rattling about his gut for all his 13 years along with squeeks from toys and bits of socks and knickers!! That dog cost me a fortune.. but I love and miss him.....hope Wilson gets over the trauma soon..xx
I just love English Bull Terriers. They look so cuddly. I used to have a Staffie and he squealed with delight when he was tickled.
I worry about Rufus (Whippet) getting stung as he keeps trying to catch bees and wasps.
I hope Wilson is better soon.
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