But look at last night's haul from the garden - the first of the broad beans, so young they shouldn't have left their mothers - and a handful of raspberries too. We ate the beans with new potatoes and a trout caught by my Glamorous Ass. A truly 'grown on our own estates' meal and worth the wait.
Incidently, have sent the Glam. Ass. out hunting again. Today he is stalking the streets of Manchester's China Town with instructions to bring home a crispy duck and pancakes. I can't begin to tell you the trouble there will be if he comes home empty handed.....
Ooer that sounds yummy...is it a bit like a mallard? ;-)
Glad you are beginning to eat your veg and fruit crop. As you so rightly said us lowlanders have been eating broad beans, cabbages, spring onions, beetroot, strawberries and raspberries. We feel quite smug when visiting a supermarket and bypassing the fruit and veg sections!
We're sort of halfway along - cabbages are ready, peas just appearing, lettuce well-bolted, but some things seem to be sulking and complaining about the weather. The sweetcorn is remaining at rabbit's-eye height. And the red gooseberries disappeared overnight, the moment they ripened. It's a strange business, this gardening lark! Crispy duck sounds easier.
I love the colour constrast between the beans and the berries :)
Wouldn't the crispy duck just be a normal duck that had outstayed its welcome in the oven? Can you buy a crispy duck in the manner of an Aylesbury Duck, or Indian Runner? Or is there a place in China called Krees Pee, which does a sideline in ducks?
Harvest looks good - ours is just starting too but nowhere near enough peas! i tried this year to sow loads more but only one lot behaved.
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