I have 5 new arrivals - Rhode Island Red Bantams; a day late - but better late than never.
'Mum' is a Wyandotte, although today looks more like a feathered tea cosy. She has emerged from her trance-like broody state and is now clucking officiously at the chicks which are getting braver by the moment. 'Come-here-cluck', 'eat-this-cluck', 'get-under-my-wings-this-minute-cluck' etc etc.

I am in their thrall and will be wasting far too much time over the next few days drooling over their cuteness. Fortunately it won't take long for them to turn into gawky feathered adolescents, as ungainly as their human counterparts, and I can my revert to my usual unsentimental self.
Catch 'em while you can folks.
lovely, want some too please!
Aaaawww indeed. Very handsome feathers on that mum too.
Are you going to update us on the mite horror story? Or do we have to live with the hideous thought of you with the odd refugee still in your hair?
Please tell me you are not going to eat them? Just their produce?
Won't be eating these Friko. (Sleep easily in your bed.) Don't know what the proportion of hens to cockerels will be but we look forward to a small egg or two. One day.
Cute chicks but beautiful hen - almost inspired to make a collage -those feathers are stunning!
Don't let them look at the previous post (I know they're not ducklings but it might give them a fright!). I must say it's all looking very snuggly, clean and mite free in the hen house.
Awww! Gorgeous! I want some of those too.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - dare I show N? No better hadn't - he's just had 125,000 to deal with - bless
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