Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hens, the last instalment.

No need to go into too much detail - but suffice to say that the white hens have now been killed and plucked. I could use a string of euphemisms here but it seems pointless.

They were not sent away - I've brought them this far and I wanted to be involved with this stage of food production too. My kind farming neighbour was an excellent guide and tutor, giving me the confidence to carry out a task I was very apprehensive about. It's done; death came swiftly and efficiently and with a minimum of stress to the birds.

They are hanging in the garage now - tomorrow I'll get to grips with their innards.....rather you than me I hear blog-world mutter. Indeed.


rachel said...

Good for you - in principle, I would support our total involvement in the process if we are to eat other creatures, but in practice.... shudder.... I remember my mother cleaning out chickens when I was a very small child, and the image* is not a pleasant one. And that was in the days before rubber gloves!

(*no need to post pictures, thank you)

Eliane said...

Actually I was going to say pictures would be instructive. Though usually when people post these, they get a flurry of anti-cruelty abuse from people who don't understand that the animal was already dead... So at your own risk, but I'd be interested. And good for you!

hand-knitted muesli said...

well done on the 'diy',

Totty Teabag said...

Being queen of all one surveys has its downsides, but congratulations on a job well done. And cleaning those chucks tomorrow will be much more pleasant than dealing with game that has been hanging around for a week...

Kitty said...

I have blanched. Guts are a step too far for me, I like 'em oven ready.