My eyes spy big buds swelling on the sycamores in the dingle and crinkly leaves on the roadside hawthornes. I have an ear cocked for the curlew whose first tentative cries came through the mist a couple of mornings ago; the eerie lonesome sound of the hill in spring. Other birds sing and the air smells wet and fresh and green. Daft lambs play racing games up and down the lane.
Bright little Celandines have their faces to the sun - I curse them in the garden but love to find them on the roadside. Kek, Sweethearts and Jack by the Hedge - these things have their proper names but oh, this is what I've called them forever - they are my friends and here in spring we meet again. Primroses, soft and creamy mounds of loveliness.....
See? It's gone to my head. I gibber.
Oh yes, I know. Me too. Lovely post and I envy you the curlew.
In that case there is a lot of gibbering on this side of the hills too!!! What a fabulous day it is today - makes me want to sing but I don't want to upset everyone!!
It's such an uplifting time, isn't it! I've just returned from the allotment, where I could watch busy birds collecting the never-ending supply of cat fur that I collect for them (gross, I know, but they love it!) and popping in and out of the assorted nesting boxes and hidey-holes. The woodpecker was drumming away, and there were some enormous bumble bees; yes, it really seems to be Spring at last.
It all sounds heavenly in your corner of the world.
Could you please go out onto the hillside with a big blanket and wave it up and down? Perhaps it will start a current to send some of that springtime over this way.
Don't you just love the Mid Wales and Shropshire countryside? :)
Spring for you - Autumn for me.
I miss cowslips, so glad they are alive and well on the tallest small mountain :)
I feel just the same - everything's flushing with the softest green and yellow flowers are everywhere, a precursor to the blue ones which always seem to follow. We have a joyful skylark in place of a curlew - pure bubbling streams of music. Perfect.
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