No need to go into too much detail - but suffice to say that the white hens have now been killed and plucked. I could use a string of euphemisms here but it seems pointless.
They were not sent away - I've brought them this far and I wanted to be involved with this stage of food production too. My kind farming neighbour was an excellent guide and tutor, giving me the confidence to carry out a task I was very apprehensive about. It's done; death came swiftly and efficiently and with a minimum of stress to the birds.
They are hanging in the garage now - tomorrow I'll get to grips with their innards.....rather you than me I hear blog-world mutter. Indeed.
Good for you - in principle, I would support our total involvement in the process if we are to eat other creatures, but in practice.... shudder.... I remember my mother cleaning out chickens when I was a very small child, and the image* is not a pleasant one. And that was in the days before rubber gloves!
(*no need to post pictures, thank you)
Actually I was going to say pictures would be instructive. Though usually when people post these, they get a flurry of anti-cruelty abuse from people who don't understand that the animal was already dead... So at your own risk, but I'd be interested. And good for you!
well done on the 'diy',
Being queen of all one surveys has its downsides, but congratulations on a job well done. And cleaning those chucks tomorrow will be much more pleasant than dealing with game that has been hanging around for a week...
I have blanched. Guts are a step too far for me, I like 'em oven ready.
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