The one I have in mind is 'As happy as a pig in shit', but if you are of a sensitive nature and easily offended, ignore that and go for 'Like the cat that's got the cream'.
In this case it's: 'like the man who got his tractor'. If I known that was all it would take to put a smile on his face I'd have lined up a fleet of them years ago.
You wait til the requirement for a 6 tonne digger comes along...
The smile says it all.
There have been heavy hints dropped here - with a tractor he could shovel the drive after snow, mow the grass, move rocks. We'll see.
It's a big Tonka toy! No wonder he looks thrilled. I must not let the Lovely Son see this picture.
Good job that wasnt on view today otherwise we would still be there!!!
...and it's such a fun colour too :-)
Friends retired, sold their house and moved 6 hours north into the wilds of Vermont. He'd been having problems with his health, his weight and his "motivation." Up there, he 's been getting up early, working all day pushing dirt, trees, and rocks around with his new backhoe ... he's as happy as a clam and it has probably added years to his life!
He looks like a man with the world at his feet! We bought a second hand ride on mower - ride on mower my idea, insistence on second hand, his. Worked for three days, stopped working. My man is not smiling just now.
Ah - the man who has a tractor, 'like the man who has built a tree house purportedly for his son but actually because his father never built him one' is the phrase around here.
Love your pizza oven. Hmmm... next project for my jolly green giant? We do love home-made pizza, it's true.
Brilliant caption! Definitely a pig in shit and my husband will be green with envy when I show him.
Yep, that's a happy face!
Actually, the better phrase would be, "Happier than a pig in a shower."
I'm qupoting Research at a Canadian Agricultural university, in the 1960s. It showed that, given the choice between a mud wallow and a shower, the pigs would take the shower every time.
Strange, but true.
As for the man and his tractor . . . enuf said, already.
Oh greqat fun - I want one too!
Who's a happy boy then?
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