Oh dear, my poor neglected blog - it's getting the dregs and dog-ends of life on my low mountain. Busy, busy. Things to do...
Not that the completion of The Glamorous Assistant's latest project should be hidden under a bushel. Nope - we should shout it LOUD & PROUD! This is one fine pizza oven. This is magnificent, an architectural gem. Well done that man.
We start with a weedy rocky patch outside the greenhouse. Don't ask 'Why here?' I don't know either.

My man casts a holocaust-defying base and foundations to boot. Much praise is called for at this critical stage. It is, after all, the finest base a wife has ever seen. Many days worth of walling are then called for. Stones are offered up and discarded, offered up again and mortared into place. Hurrah, the walls slowly rise. We must then put the terracotta oven inside - don't ask me why the walls were not built around it - sat 'in situ' so to speak. It would have saved much lifting and straining

Then a roof - common rafters I believe.

I've planted my herb bed alongside and twitch nervously as the master craftsman stumbles about with slates and copper nails. He has big important feet and my thymes are still small and vulnerable.

Finally it's finished. I should photograph the little Gothic niche on the other side and the sweetest little built-in bird hole just waiting for a blue-tit next spring....
I should make pizza too......
oooh - gorgeous, just gorgeous. I can imagine the parties arranged around that oven. Congratulations to your Glamorous Ass. for all his work and design!
Your place is looking so good - all that work, and it shows. I must show The Great Dane that greenhouse and pizza oven and perhaps he'll be inspired.
Wow That is soooo impressive. Well done to you both. Do you have pizza parties or do you and the glam ass just eat a lot of pizzas?
I want a close-up picture of what's inside when those doors are open ...please??
meant to say - is there a chimney?
I should have explained in more detail....inside is a terracotta beehive pizza oven (which I thought was called 'Blistering Barbecue). It came on an ugly iron stand not unlike a siege machine. I didn't want to look at either - hence the stone building to house the oven. No chimney - I guess the idea is to keep all the heat inside.
absolutely fantastic i say, cannot wait for pizza to be cooked inside it, test it out before sunday. also, no common rafters. DLB
Pizza hut? Much too posh for that, surely. Positively a work of art. Congratulations to the artist.
Oh for Heaven's sakes, what happened there? Do, please, erase those extra comments. Sorry.
Very nice! So what pizza are you going to make? :D
definitely up to Leighton Estate standards - just think of the historians in years to come working out what it is
What a little work of art! You clever people - do let us know how delicious those pizzas are.
WEll the Glam Ass has done it again! that is one very beautiful pizza oven. You may never eat inside again.
Absolutely splendid! (I'm sure there were very good reasons for it being built in that order). Who's going to make the pizzas?
Looks great! Now you just need a moped and you're in business.
You had me hooting with laughter "Big important feet" and the disgarding of perfect good rocks !
It looks stunning now though.xx
ps when you cooking .
PPs and i've got the scooter .
OMG you are both so talented and I am hugely jealous of the result.
A pizza oven - what on earth made you build one?? But what a great addition to your garden.
Tell your glamorous assistant he did a very fine job indeed.
Reading backwards - this is a brilliant wee hoose wasted on pizzas! Very impressive - love that you have the herb patch next door - very Jamie O.
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