Sunday, May 27, 2007

As predicted the weather is awful; steady rain and a bitter wind from the east. That's cold, cold, cold.

Nonetheless there is a strange beauty in this landscape of a million greys and greens. Thin veils of cloud hang over Badnage Wood - which roars and sucks with the pressing wind. I am watching swallows sweeping low through the dingle, skimming the hedge, the little trees of the orchard and weaving through wind and rain. Light as air.

O to have wings and fly.......


Pondside said...

Lovely description of the greys and greens that you are seeing in your area with all the rainy weather. I also like your finding your father's photo in a second hand book.
What's a dingle?

countrymousie said...

Cold cold here too - today Tuesday still. We have swallowed swooping - twenty or more - over the grassland. Enjoying your blogs.

Suffolkmum said...

I'm enjoying them too. Lovely descrition of the harsh beauty of harsh weather! I'm more in the mood for lush grass and picnics though now!

mountainear said...

I understand a dingle to be a deep wooded valley. In this part of the world, Shropshire, they appear as part of the place name too: Trelystan Dingle, Flying Dingle etc.

Strictly speaking our garden isn't a Dingle these days - but slightly beyond the land falls away to the most green and secret of valleys, home to badger, fox and squirrel. Nothing wilder thank goodness!