Monday, May 26, 2008

Let's go fly a kite....

Who said this crazy weather was good for nothing?

The wind catches the sail and suddenly it lifts, billowed and buoyant. The kite soars and dances in the gusts that rush up the dingle, tugging the lines in a wind-filled bid for freedom. It's a great game keeping it in the air, harnessing the invisible force with a tweak to the left or the right; exhilarating too.

And look - colour theory in action - see how the green looks greener and the red redder when juxtaposed...strange what comes to mind on a windswept hillside.


Zoë said...

I love kite flying, I have a small collection, my favourite is a bat!

I would love to learn to do Kite surfing.carting, whenever I see it I think how exhilating it looks, and then I rememeber what the Dr said... ah well.

That red really is luminous.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Love kite flying too and bought a new one recently. I think we might have been blown away completely if we had tried it today - a day when the wind makes your head ache.

Zoë said...

Elizabethm tells me to ask about your hares .... she says they are magnificent, drop me an email and reveal all? Thanks!

Diary Farmer said...

Not a day to put out the washing as it might end up in Montgomery. We find red and green work together well too!!