Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If it ain't broke - don't fix it?

If you're a regular visitor, then maybe you'll notice something's changed.

I've had a bit of a 'furtle' this afternoon - regular visitors may notice this space has gone from dotty to pristine white with a misty atmospheric topping.

'How brave' - I hear you collectively murmur - ' to delve into the uncharted depths of Blogger's dashboard and single-handedly re-configure widgets, html and other unspeakables.'

Too damned right. Faced with the distinct possibility of losing all my breathless prose this was a nerve-wracking exercise. I unwound a hypothetical ball of string all the better to retrace my steps.....and proceeded with great caution. I'm not skilled enough to make more than a 'tweek' here and a 'tweek' there and feel mildly frustrated by working within the template's constraints. (The inner graphic designer is surfacing.) Will somebody please send me a small instructive child as a mentor?

However, my new space is clean and white. Here are some lovely roses to make it feel more like home:


Mopsa said...

At the risk of offending many, I have to say I find the blog that looks like a pristine page in a book, so much more appealing and engaging. The black templates depress me, looking as they do like the screen equivalent of a bachelor pad with satin sheets and one uncomfortable leather chair. I really like your new look. In particular jealous of the title with glorious piccy - my own non existent html doesn't know how to keep the words as well as adding a photo and a trawl on blogger 'help', hasn't.

Chris at 'Chrissie's Kitchen' said...

Supa-dupa Mountainear! Love the new look and it's also easier to read, I think. Your photographs are smashing. I wish I knew how to do the slidy picture thing.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Beautiful and the pictures as usual are stunning.

Mopsa said...

Ha! popped back and you are still playing - we have swapped sides! Ain't it a giggle?

Zoë said...

Wonderful , and as you say, very atmospheric, I'd lend you a small child as a mentor, only hes not so small anymore, costs a fortune to feed, and takes up far too much room, even though he is a would be graphic designer! I loved the roses, can smell them from here! Lovely lovely x

mountainear said...

Ha, ha! mopsa - hours of harmless fun which could stretch into days knowing the speed of my broadband should be able to get your title on top of your photograph. At the risk of boring everyone else: go to 'customise' on your blogger menu. Choose 'page elements'and 'edit header' - here you have your title and description and the option to load an image. Load your image and save changes. There may be an option to place the photo - in front of or behind the title - if there is, click as appropriate. I have to exit this window and reopen it to be able to do it. You may have to play with the colour and size of your type so that it can be read over the colour of the photogrpah - go to fonts and colours. If you have a border around your heading, change the colour of that to the same as the page background. Hope it works.

Lizzie: click on the little 'slide' tab on the RHS of the slide thingy - it should take you to the site where you can load pictures and give you a code to paste into your blog. Otherwise go to It is FREE and EASY!!!

Here endeth the lessons.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

oooh, I like it. Is that the view from your mountain?

Mopsa said...

Thank you for the instructions m'ear - I have been playing but it ain't quite right yet....will stick with the old until (if) the new comes right.

occasional northerner said...

Found my way here from M&M just in time to witness the demise of the spots. Great garden!