They gave me a loyalty card - in the fond hope I'd come back often enough to earn an extra 'Express Tootsie treatment'. I do hope I can. Afterwards my feet felt soft as well as gently nibbled - I was walking on air - my sense of well-being enhanced no doubt by a: another day of sunshine which had me squeaking with joy on the drive over the Long Mountain and b: by a visit to the wonderful Michelle and Gavin at Toni and Guy who changed my haystack hair into something more soignée. A feel-good day.
I may as well make the most of this because I think there may well be more serious things on the horizon - those things being National Grid Pylons. Sigh.
There's always something isn't there? More of this anon. Perhaps.
Yesterday was HOT, and my shorts came out from hibernation. For some reason our new 3 month old Lab' puppy spent most of the day licking my legs. A French version of fish-cleansing perhaps?
Oh how wonderful a bit of indulgence and feel good topped up by fabulous sunshine - we all need those days and shoudl cherish them as they help us to carry on. Bet your feet looked wonderful too!
Oh yuk, mountainear. Yukyukyuk. Head between knees moment......
But then I'm very squeamish about feet, dead skin, things nibbling at/feeding off one.
No not my idea of fun either but each to their own. We really needed a photo of the new hairdo!
Yes, Mountaineer, there always is something! Sometimes, something and a half.
I've heard about this fishy nibbling bit and wondered what it might be like. Can you imagine that I have no idea where fish might nibble feet in New York. Even if I were to find that elusive address, don't think I'd put my feet in the pool.
Still, love the idea of soft tootsies!
Of course I want to try this. I haven't heard of it over here, but if I have to wait to visit your part of the world to try it, I will.
What are National Grid Pylons?
Not sure I could do that. Massaging maybe, but the thought of having fish swimming about my feet would put me off my fish and chips for life!
CJ xx
spose it could be worse ....maggots - leeches ....arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and then there are pylons ....ARGHHHHHHH
I love the idea but don't know that I could actually do it. Did it tickle?
Everyone seems to be talking about this. I wonder if I'll ever try it. Not quite sure I see the point. I like my dead skin! Even when I go barefoot! (Especially when I go barefoot). So I'll pass, I think on this one, unless dragged along.
Fish and feet in Shrewsbury? Do tell.
Once I get past the yeuck factor it sounds idyllic.
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