What a beautiful gift this has been; given to me at Christmas by H and S it has bloomed elegantly until now when only one pure white flower remains. That's very nearly 6 months worth of pleasure. Thank you.
The brown furry shape on the RHS is Chester. He's putting his great brown nose in where his great brown nose shouldn' t be. As usual.
I must add that when that last flower final withers and plops to the ground my Christmas orchid will go to the Orchid Rest Home - aka the kitchen window sill. A little benign neglect and with luck I will be rewarded by another spike of flowers.
It's clear that Chester has an appreciation for the finer things in life.
Chester knows that although the orchid is charming, he is, in the final count, the more beautiful and desirable of the two.
Could it be a phalaenopsis or moth orchid? Beautiful beautiful plants. I love the way they seem to hang suspended in the air, so still and ethereal. And tough as old boots.
Sorry if yours turns out to be something much rarer and exotic!
Beautiful :)
Beautiful orchid, and a fine hairy nose too!
good old Chester bless him
Hi 'M' it looks like a Moth Orchid - Phalaeonopsis. After most of the flowers have fallen from the spike you can cut the spike down to within the second node from the base, if you dare, this will sometimes/often encourage a secondary spike to emerge:)
The orchid is/was lovely. The comment about cutting it partially back works for many people. This type is considered by many to be one of the less fussy ones, but I can't grow it! (I do grow a number of other varieties.) the photo was funny and reminded me of the shot on my blog of Emma's backside all but sitting on my early anemones!
I LOVE your wild orchids, I hope that there will be a few left in bloom in the mountains in Norway. My sister and I will be there in August. The last time we were there I tried to photograph them, but there were so many mosquitos that they actually got in the way!
It's rain again here. We've had 2 days of sun in last week and a half.........
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