Pick Black Currants. Simmer Black Currants slowly. Strain juice through a jelly bag. Enjoy dark, sharp juice trickling into white bowl. (Try not to get on pale limestone floor and remember to concentrate on job in hand i.e. making jelly and not photography.)
Add sugar and bring to a rolling boil. Experience nervous moments until mysterious 'setting point' is reached. Be amazed when jelly actually does wrinkle under finger as described by jam-making recipe. Put in jars. Put on pantry shelf. Feel major sense of achievement - not unlike Pioneer Wife.
Those photos have made me yearn for some jam, i'm of across the road to by a jar NOW [the joys of working in town] xx
You mean they actually just go ahead and reach that point and become jam? I never knew that...
Your descriptions of preserving are making me green with envy, and very disappointed in my own effort. The birds snaffled most of my blackcurrants, although I did manage to salvage about a pound, with which I made a pie and a very delicious and vitamin-C-rich purple drink, which took about 2 hours to make and 10 seconds to drink.
Mine wouldn't set ...so have just re boiled it fiercly with some lemon juice and it looks a bit better now ...well too late really coz its in the Visitor Centre now ...and if you hear of anybody having runny jelly on their toast it wasn't me ...honest
You have not mentioned the wonderful smell which pervades your kitchen when creating this most yummy of products. I feel as if I must come by your kitchen with some homemade scones! My mouth is watering at the thought.
what scrumptious photos, made me hungry just looking at them.
I'm in awe - not just your cooking skill but the fact you can take great pictures during the process.
What a colour! just wonderful.
Beautiful, wonderful colour. Wish I liked blackcurrants.
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