They are a voracious bunch. They scratch and peck at everything in their path - so successful is their foraging that they inhabit the most slug-free patch of ground in Trelystan. Here a couple have gone for the easy option and are snarfing their mother's corn while ignoring their own nutritious crumbs.
I've just been down to shut them in for the night. The nest in the corner looks very cosy; mother clucks protectively and little heads emerge from amongst her feathers. I suspect she is now finding it difficult to accommodate all 7 under her wings at once. Perhaps they take it in turns.
Takes me back to when we kept about 20 hens - it was so much fun with the chicks. Eventually gave up when fox got the lot.
Punkish indeed.......funny little things. Poor mother trying to squeeze in seven...
They look like they might be a very different colour from their Mum.
Its great fun though watching them grow up, still keep thinking I would like some too.
How lovely. Are you going to keep them all?
have just realised that this year must be the first for about 18 that we havent had any chicks about the place ....I'll just enjoy yours I think
It's amazing how they can fit so many underneath without squashing them. My incubator is full of eggs due to hatch in the next 48 hours..I can hear them start to peep.
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