After a round trip of about 500 miles we are back at Lower House. We left early yesterday morning for Cornwall to celebrate David's 60th birthday and arrived in time to enjoy a gourmet lunch served in his new greenhouse. We ate heartily amongst his newly planted peach, nectarine and apricot trees, and staggered full-bellied from the table in the late afternoon. Those lucky enough to have beds, retired to them and enjoyed a siesta. More friends arrived in the early evening - the table was re-laid, Pimms prepared and glasses filled. Much conversation and conviviality. We spent a lovely evening talking to friends old and new but it was a pleasure at the end of a long day to fall into bed. The hospitality of neighbours Jonathan and Lizzie was much appreciated - we were made so, so welcome and so, so comfortable. We woke to fine views of the Tamar's racing tide - which we watched from our bed - feeling very cosy as torrential rain lashed against the window. Thank you both.
Then we sailed back north - and I use 'sail' with confidence; the weather was atrocious and the roads awash with water. There has been no shortage of rain here either but the sun came out for a brief moment and this rainbow was our reward. This couplet came to mind and now, annoyingly, won't go away:
"God gave Noah the rainbow sign,
No more water, the fire next time!"

Then, dodging the raindrops, took a brief tour or the garden. Sniffed the air - bright and cool. Felt the wet grass. Tweaked a weed or two. Muddied my fingers. Listened to the wind through the trees of Badnage Wood. Leant on the gate and saluted the lambs. Plus ca change.....
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