He and his mate on the digger are making glacial progress along the lane. One blows and the other scrapes.
I stumble across the drifts at hedge height to meet them for a progress report.
There is a vague possibility that they will reach us later today but I'm not holding my breath. Tomorrow maybe? My new friend tells me he'll be back 'on the bins' then and doesn't know if they will find anyone to replace him on the 'blower. So when we'll actually be able to drive out is anyone's guess.
In truth that's not really a hardship - there is still food in the freezer and we have not resorted to burning the furniture yet.
We can just sit it out. It's those who have to work in such conditions - the farmers and the road clearers who are the heroes of the hour. I don't think that anyone, ever, got mentioned in despatches for staying indoors and looking out of the window.
That's astonishing! You're only a few hours drive from here and it's like you're on a completely different continent. Good blokes, though, for clearing your lane, I hope the path to freedom is soon open.
As for burning the furniture, we burned our garden bench last month and a lovely hot fire it made too. It's not as if we'd actually had any nice weather last year to enable us sit in the garden on it! :D
I hope you have lots to read - or the inclination to take up knitting or crocheting, as it doesn't look like you're going to get out of there any time soon!
But look! You have blue sky! That has to be worth celebrating with something nice from the freezer, surely?
I almost think I should pop down with my shovel and lend a hand!! So glad you have plenty of supplies. It's hard to believe we are probably only 7 miles apart! Keep cosy! x Jo
Wow! Your photos are splendid and really show just how snowed in you are.
Hoping that the sun is still shining from that blue sky and helping out those blokes who are valiantly trying to clear the way to your mountain home.
Good to see you, even if you are snowed under!
I've had enough of the white stuff too - but at least we are getting out - the recovery may take a while - most of the guttering went when the snow fell off the roof
Your freezer must be much better stocked than ours ... at least I hope it is !
It does all look stunning but I hope it clears up in a day or two . That much snow makes the Easter Egg Hunt so difficult ....
Goodness; that really does look bad. I stocked-up with emergency food this winter, but it wasn't really required. I bet if I hadn't, we'd have had snow like yours!
And here am I proposing to cut the grass! I suppose we are Wales' riviera down here. Hope your man turns up with the snow blower. That sounds rather fun. I suppose elfnsafty prohibit ordinary mortals from lending a hand.
Waving across through the snow. I saw the first swallow Friday, it might turn back to where it came from equally as quick as the cranes did. Bought an old Range Rover to cope in any weather...no new computer, yet.
Blimey! Have you been able to get out yet?
Wow! We still have drifts in the kitchen garden but most of it has gone now with perhaps about ten per cent of what came down still stubbornly lying in drifts and valleys. A rise in temperature and a bit of rain are what we need! I have had enough now.
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