The Glam. Ass. is building a shed. No, make that another shed. We have a number if you add up all the various structures in garden and field - and I'm not factoring in the deluxe model he had built for our absent neighbour in this equation either. They're all too robust and well constructed to even hint at 'shanty-town' but I am thinking 'hmm - shed world'. Just how many sheds does one man need I wonder?
Now, while I'm undeniably proud of my man's shed building prowess I'm sighing just the smallest of sighs. A shed is like a shelf - until you have one there's nothing to put on it. But once in existence it becomes the home of Stuff which then takes root and multiplies and, like a pernicious weed, is damned hard to get rid of.
This latest shed will become 'The Tractor Shed' and the little yellow tractor will move with all its kit and caboodle from the Field Shelter where it currently lives. The Field Shelter will become the Timber Store, housing all the er, timber which has been accumulated over the years for various as-yet unfulfilled wood working projects. This is a Good Thing - as it means that the plastic sheeted stack of wood that sits just inside the front gate will move out of my line of vision. However there is always the danger that having the space to store yet more timber, and indeed tractor kit, even more will be acquired.
All I ask is a couple of square metres to keep my hen food bins and a bale of shavings in. That should be possible.
......actually what I really would like is one of these. But not for anything utilitarian. Just for me.
Knowing a little of such things, I would suggest he's actually building a courtyard. The next shed will simply connect the two other sheds.
This is one of those occasions when I think you could be writing for me! We have a new barn, built out of pressed steel with much skill and care by a team from a local business. It has replaced the post barn and is undoubtedly a much better thing. I would love to think that the existence of the barn means that the workshop will become less overwhelmingly full of essential things that must be kept but somehow I doubt it....
And love the shelter. I am having a shepherd's hut for exactly the same reason as you want one of those. I think you should have one. Surely every woman needs a room of one's own.
I am sure the new shed will be perfect but oh yes I am with you on the wonderful "pods" I think you definitely need one.
I need a new shed, too. The bottom having rotted out of the old one. But your new shed looks as though it could become a summerhouse. Count your blessings. Do hope you find somewhere for the henfood though. Couldn't you persuade him to build a shed-annex or an ante-shed, just for you?
I'm sorry, that is not a shed:}, it is not even "another" shed :}, it is a thing of precision and beauty and I'd be delighted if your Glam Ass was to build something so beautiful here.
But when not smiling at the "shed" I am nodding sympathetically. My own Glam Ass has two garages ... completely full of motorbike stuff. He never rides the damn things, in fact, I'm not sure what he does in there. He's currently encroaching on garden space by storing another useless pile of metal under a tarp next to my feed bin. I have a cunning plan to get rid of the dratted thing - I'm just not sure what it is yet :{
I'd like one too, please.
I want a Pod ... with , perhaps , a smaller Pod-annexe for all the stuff that I wouldn't want to clutter the big one up with . The only snag I can see is that our back yard is about the same size as a double bed .
Your Glam Ass knows how to build a shed! He and The Great Dane could have a great time together, I'm sure, as we have quite a number of sheds here at Pondside. There need be no thought of downsizing or winnowing out of gear - just build another shed.
But I like your G.A.S. (Glam.Ass.Sheds) much better than this linked one, it seems to come from Mars or so. See, it is even called a pod...I only heard of I-pod so far but you know me and my lack of English ;-). Aren't those escape things with wheels on it much more multi-purpose? Great to see, that others have the same hang for more space with growing age :-).
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