Saturday, August 01, 2009


Tagged. By chrish of Home Thoughts Weekly. 7 words which describe me....

Patient: Very - and in those rare moments when I'm not I manage to keep mum about it.

Kind. I think I am. I would never, ever, pull the legs off flies or deliberately elbow old ladies. Here - have my last Rollo. A little kindness and its bedfellow, consideration, never goes amiss.

Idle? Oh yes. Very. The urge to do the ironing is easily resisted and I can watch the dust bunnies bowl around the floor for hours. Exercise? No thanks.

Curious - What's round that corner? What does that mean? Where and Why? What's over the page? At the bottom of that box? This has led to all sorts of serendipious discoveries and occasionaly the ability to get to grips with the unexpected. Trespass? Moi? If you want someone to creep round a spooky building, alone at dead of night, just ask.....

Unfortunately my curiosity doesn't extend to things mathematical of scientific. In that respect I remain dumb and virtually innumerate - can just about add up the spots on the dominoes and do Sudoku, which seems to involve logic and the ability to count up to 45.

Creative - Give me colours, marks, lines and words, scraps of fabric, lumps of clay or a camera and I couldn't be happier. I love the process of making 'stuff' look harmonious or discordant - could spend hours deciding where to put a dot on a piece of paper. Sometimes better at ideas than actually carrying them out though - my head has done them and raced on to the next big thing. Somebody else can carry out the finickety detail.

Laid-back (hyphenated to make one word.) An irritating trait, but the more wound up those around me become the more relaxed my stance. My ex-boss at work worried himself into a grey rag about insignificant trivia while I lolled back muttering 'Chill'. Generally it paid off.

Positive - For me the proverbial cream jug is always half-full. (My husband would describe the milk jug as half-empty.) I see cream. He sees watery milk. I've never seen the point of meeting problems half way and have always, and perhaps annoyingly, looked on the bright side.

......Crikey this has been hard work. I'm going for a little lie down.

There must be one or two of you out there who've not been tagged. You know who you are. Have a go. Go on. You know you want to.


Fennie said...

Well done! Your list seems to be the recipe for a happy and contented life among the half-full cream jugs and completed Sudoku squares. You are so right, we do all need to chill more, be more positive. Wish I had that talent of putting objects together concordantly. It ought to be simple - but never is - at least for me.

Chris Stovell said...

It is taxing, isn't it?! I take issue with idle, I'm sure anyone who tackles mites in the hen house with gusto cannot be described as idle. Creative, certainly, it resonates from your blog and curious - how is the Latin going? And, having had the pleasure of meeting you briefly, most definitely kind and relaxed. Thank you for doing this, I really enjoyed reading your seven

rachel said...

I'll say you're creative - Sudoku requiring the ability to count to 45? I can count way beyond 45 on a good day, and I can do cryptic crosswords too, but Sudoku? Impossible.


Loved this - I could identify with so many. Love your approach to exercise and the cream jug. For some reason, I have you down as an Aquarius - go on, tell me I'm wrong.

Frances said...

Please do guide me to more of your hyphenated laid-backness! I am right with you on most of those other words.

It's quite remarkable to read the various collections of seven submitted by folks. In each and every one I have read so far, I have found so much common ground, and also plenty of variety. Isn't that what's been said to be that spice of life?

Thank you for your comment, too! xo

mountainear said...

Indeed I am LBD - is it that obvious?

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Love this m. I identify with so many of these especially the "chill" and the half full cream jug. And funny that we are both married to men who see the half empty watery milk jug! Perhaps the balance is necessary, to them to stop them topping themselves and to us to stop us entirely floating away to la la land.

Twiglet said...

Oo-er you, me and Elizabethm married to men whose cup is half empty - yes I guess it must help with the equilibrium in the world - my cup is always half full!!!!
oh and the word verification is ..
ginfula!!!!! Now thats how I like my G&T .....ginfula!

snailbeachshepherdess said...

I dont think my O H knows where the jug is never mind how much is in it. You always have an aura of calmness -m didn't realise you are a sudoko fan as well!

Annie said...

Brill Mountainear. I'm sure I could pick you out in a crowd....that is, as long as they aren't all tall people!