Yes, how still it is. Not a breath of air twitches. This might be one ordinary night meteorologically speaking, starless and overcast - but it's heavy with extraordinary anticipation. Christmas Eve - 'special' is in the air.

We've done cardspresentsparties, tomorrow we will dine,
en famille, on roast duck. Crackers? yeah - there'll be crackers too.
But tonight, in the stillness, when it is not possible to buy, prepare or cook anything else it's good just to sit and drink in silence. This is my favourite moment.
Help yourselves to a mince pie - I made them earlier. They should still be warm.
Happy Christmas.
I wish I could reach out and take one and share a glass of bubbly with you! Enjoy your day with family and wear your cracker hat with pride
Now I am just the same - the evening as you abandon the rush, nothing more can be done, and settle into the chair is the best bit of christmas.
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